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Monday, June 16, 2014

Short Trip to Hyderabad

A long overdue post. 
Memorable trip to the southern part of India, Hyderabad (July 2013). 

One of my 'must go place', India, thought not the same destinations. I'm glad that I could foretaste the 'dream destinations' travelling together with two other minions, KC and Whilly. It was indeed a memorable trip. 

Well, what could be the first impression of yours when one mentioned about India? 

Personally, I'm exhilarated with the trip. Planning every single bits from visa to tickets, place of stay to mode of transport and eventually backpacked trip. Sound extremely interesting!!! Woo yeah ~ ~ ^.< Looking forward for the wonderful trip. 

Here is part of the flight itinerary:

Due to budget constraints, we board on AirAsia from Kuching -> Singapore then subsequent flight from Singapore -> Hyderabad on the same day (so we can save money on the hotel). For return flight,we fly from Hyderabad -> Singapore, then board on bus to Johore Bahru, from Johore Bahru we board on AirAsia -> Kuching (at the same time visiting Singapore and Johore Bahru). The total expenditure for the flight is RM 1060 per pax. 

What are the preparations that we'd done? 
First, is to boost up our immune system. 
Lots of my friends gave tonnes of advices on types of vaccines to take prior the trip so as to ensure that I would be 'safe and sound' before and after the trip.
Well, 'kia si' me went to have four types of vaccine: Hep A, Hep B booster, Tetanus, and Typhoid. Of course blood testing need to be carried out as well.. Continuously POKE for 5 times in 2 weeks time. That's really no joke!!! 

Then, we get our currency changed to rupee and US$.
Store up water supply (2 boxes of mineral water to be shipped to India). 

Viola~ here we go. With our precious laptop, minimal clothes (formal wear for presentation purposes), bottles of mineral water and pocket money of 1500 RP and US$ 100 (backup purposes).

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pun Chun Chicken, Biscuit and Restaurant

Ever tasted tender and juicy duck meat noodles? 
Well, I visited Bidor, Perak few months ago. 
I'm lucky enough to have had the chance to taste the so called  famous duck meat noodles which claimed to be the must try food if you visit Bidor. 
This special delicacy is sold at Pun Chun noodle house. 

After searching for around 10min, here we go to the Pun Chun noodle house and ordered the must tried food. 

Forgive me to have such a great imagination.. coz of "鸭腿面".. 
Must be something like THIS!!!

I presumed my bowl of noodles comes with HUGE drumstick that I could grab with my hand.. 
Saliva dripping.. tummy drooling... 
To my dismay, this is what I was served. 
鸭腿面.. huhuhu.. T.T
Thought it's still categorized as drumstick.. but I want the one that really looks like a drumstick!!!

  Ok.. Back to the noodles.
The meat was steamed till soft and tender that you can tear the meat off effortlessly and the soup is so aromatic but there are still rooms for improvement.

For your information, each bowl of the noodles cost RM 7.50. It definitely worth the penny spent. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A day when I get the 'Blockage' cleared

My mood swift like no body business recently.. maybe due to tight schedule or maybe the pms symptoms. Hmm~ never had I realised I could be that busy... 
All things seems not right just not right at all.. not pleasing to my little heart.
Life has just worn me out.. knackered! wondering why others could not be considerate, tolerate, ... whatever ...rate to me.. why why why why and why

When I started to point fingers and complaining at others I realised that I've lost the present of God in my life. Reminiscing on what I've been labouring on the past few months I realised that I couldn't go on like this anymore.. Lending a hand to others is important but when this become the burden in my life I shall learn to leave it to God though it is hard most of the time..

Escaping from the routine, here I go.. STARBUCK pampering myself a cuppa while drawing, sketching, consulting, seeking for guidance...... of things buried in my mind. After a 3-4 hours consultation, something stroke my mind.. *Bling Bling*.. a light shines on me.. I'm seeing the blueprint of what I have overlook. Thank God. 

Life is always Good.. with a short runaway from routine.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012



范玮琪 作曲:方炯鑌

看你沉沉的睡去 忍不住緊抱著你
孩子般的無邪安寧 幸福就那麼篤定
突然想寫一封信 給我最親愛的你
看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你
為何倔強執迷 半夢半醒
你說再多打擊 也不放棄

也曾失望傷過心 你總相信 那片烏雲會散去
從沒變的孩子氣 常讓我生氣卻又著迷
就算冷言傷了你 卻不曾逃避
橫衝直撞 也不管受了委屈
我會 守護你那顆赤子的心 永遠不分離

突然想寫一封信 給我最親愛的你
看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你
為何倔強執迷 半夢半醒
你說再多打擊 也不放棄

也曾失望傷過心 你總相信 那片烏雲會散去
從沒變的孩子氣 常讓我生氣卻又著迷
就算冷言傷了你 卻不曾逃避
橫衝直撞 也不管受了委屈
我會 守護你那顆赤子的心 永遠不分離

夢和現實的差距 有的時候讓你感到灰心
世界無情 只要記得我在這裡陪你

我最最親愛的你 擦去淚滴 那片烏雲已散去
我們一起走下去 一起笑著看沿途風景
我最最親愛的你 最真的一句
永遠守著愛著你 帶著夢想前進
珍惜那最初炙熱的心 最親愛的你


 第一次听到这首歌觉得好心暖。 简单的词却带来许多的感动。 我想很多人都和我一样吧。
大家都知到范范与黑人的故事,大家公认的甜蜜的伴侣。但是他们 恋爱11 年走来的故事还有很多的经历我们都不知道的。

范范曾说: “只要主軸和價值觀一致就不會有大問題。而且我們從來沒想過要分開。” 这是何等的爱和信心。

我是一个在感情上特别理性的人,如果一段感情没有经过足够的考验,我会觉得很没安全感。 所以,我不急着要恋爱,可是一旦选择在一起了就没想要分开。


林前 13:4-8上  愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈;愛是不嫉妒;愛是不自誇,不張狂,不作不合宜的事,不求自己的益處,不輕易發怒,不計算人的惡,不因不義而歡樂,卻與真理同歡樂;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。愛是永不敗落;

突然想寫一封信 給我最親愛的你
看你不畏懼 一股傻勁 有時候多不忍心
夜裡無聲眼淚 驚天動地 我心疼你
為何倔強執迷 半夢半醒
你說再多打擊 也不放棄

也曾失望傷過心 你總相信 那片烏雲會散去
從沒變的孩子氣 常讓我生氣卻又著迷
就算冷言傷了你 卻不曾逃避
橫衝直撞 也不管受了委屈
我會 守護你那顆赤子的心 永遠不分離

夢和現實的差距 有的時候讓你感到灰心
世界無情 只要記得我在這裡陪你

我最最親愛的你 擦去淚滴 那片烏雲已散去
我們一起走下去 一起笑著看沿途風景
我最最親愛的你 最真的一句
永遠守著愛著你 帶著夢想前進
珍惜那最初炙熱的心 最親愛的你”

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ombak Rindu

Ini adalah filem tempatan yang pertama saya tonton. Secare keseruluhan saya kategorikan filem ini sederhana (6/10).

IZZAH adalah seorang gadis yatim piatu yang kematian ibu bapanya akibat kemalangan jalan raya. Bapa saudaranya, Taha, mengambil alih tugas memelihara Izzah. Walau bagaimanapun kehadiran Izzah tidak disenangi isteri Taha dan menuduh Izzah membawa bencana dalam keluarganya. Walau bagaimanapun Izzah tetap menghormati ibu bapa saudaranya.

Pak cik Taha banyak berhutang. Disebabkan kesempitan wang dia sanggup menjual anak saudaranya itu kepada seorang pemilik kelab malam. Izzah terpaksa mengikut kehendak pak saudaranya walaupun hatinya tidak rela.

Di situlah dia berkenalan dengan seorang pelanggan bernama Hariz. Hariz telah membeli Izzah dengan harga yang mahal dari pemilik kelab itu dan membawa dia keluar dari neraka jahanam itu. Di atas permintaan Izzah, akhirnya Hariz bernikah dengan Izzah tetapi dengan syarat semuanya mesti dirahsiakan.

Tetapi kehadiran Mila Amylia, anak Tan Sri Rashdan, iaitu model dan pelakon terkenal tanah air menggugat cinta Izzah yang mula berputik kepada Hariz. Hariz telah menikah Mila Amylia atas paksaan ibunya Datuk Sufiah walaupun Hariz sudah tidak mempunyai perasaan cinta kepada Mila.

Semasa Hariz koma di hospital akibat kemalangan jalan raya, Datuk Sufiah telah menghalau Izzah keluar dari bungalow Hariz dan merampas telefon bimbit Izzah. 

Setelah keluar dari hospital, Datuk Sufiah memberitahu Hariz yang Izzah telah menjalani hubungan dengan lelaki lain. Hariz dalam perasaan marah telah memberitahu Izzah bahawa dia akan digantung tidak bertali semasa terserempak dengan Izzah di rumah Pak Dollah, pemandu keluarga Datuk Sufiah. 

Izzah kemudian kembali ke kampungnya. Pak Dollah sangat marah dengan Datuk Sufiah dan telah memecahkan rahsia bahawa Hariz adalah anaknya yang telah diserahkan kepada suami Datuk Sufiah untuk dijadikan anak angkat serta memberitahu Hariz bahawa Izzah tidak bersalah. 

Hariz menyesal dan amat rindukan Izzah telah pergi ke kampung Izzah untuk memujuk Izzah supaya kembali kepangkuannya. Mila pula datang ke kampung Izzah dan menuntut cerai dari Hariz. 

Filem ini berakhir dengan Izzah dan Hariz menjalani hidup bahagia tanpa rahsia lagi.