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previous year resolutions Yun am thankful to God for He had preserved Yun for the previous year.
Deuteronomy 11: 11-12 But the land into which you are crossing over to possess is a land of mountains and valleys; by virtue of heaven's rain, it drinks in water. It is a land which Jehovah your God cares for; always the eyes of Jehovah your God are upon it, from the beginning of the year even to the end of the year.
Year 2009 had been a tough year for Yun. It seems like Yun had failed in everything Yun do. No matter in studies, in relationship, in friendship... all things seems to have fall apart out of my mind and will to handle nor control.
Anyway, Yun am glad that Yun is in the midst of the stars. Every time Yun fall down, deep down into the valley, friends, brothers and sisters, housemates and also my family members cheered me up and encouraged me to move on.
Though there are lots of condemnations, teaching, betraying, warnings.. It helps Yun to learn the lesson of endurance. Lots of time I felt like crying, cry my heart out.. but Yun holds back the tears with the encouragements and comforting from those who really care and pray for Yun. These are the things that Yun could never ever learn from books.
Yun failed to achieve some of the goals last year but Yun's not discouraged!
Philippian 3:13 .. forgetting the things which are behind, streching forward to the things which are before.I fail, I do not know how. But I do believe in the Author and the Perfector of my life.
Yun would like to dedicate my thanks to those who had helped me a lot, either in encouraging or discouraging me. For all these make me grow~
My family members.
All the Brothers and sisters.
Housemates - Kak Pah, Shera, Pang and Uma.
Postgraduate friends - Charlie, Hun Shen, Surewin, Simon, Jacqueline, Jacklyn, Joan Dolly, Lai, Darrien, Sabrina, Kak Afnie.
Supervisors - Dr Linda, Assoc. Prof Prabir.
Lecturers - Tay Kai Meng, Teh Chee Siong, David Bong, Pn Rosmina.
All the msn, FB and bloggers.
Those who walks in and out of my life.
Thousand thanks to all of you. I know that I love to complains and murmurs whenever I was stressed up not knowing what to do. You greetings, comforting, encouragement and also listening to my rubbish talks.. Lifted me up. ^^
Here come the year 2010 resolutions; 1. Graduate this year.
2. Follow the leading of the church studying the bible and life study.
3. Learn the lesson of life.
4. Start working / Start PhD.
5. Spending more time with my family and housemates.
6. Exercise more.
7. Play more.
8. Talk more and Smile more.
9. Keep on learning.
10. Depend and Trust in God.
11. Enter into another stage of life.
12. Get myself a camera - Canon EOS 450D or Nikon DSRL D50.
13. Get myself a desktop.
14. Traveling.
2010 will be a year full of learning. Equip myself with secular, biblical knowledge and also a year of photography.Still have lots to write.. but some remain confidential.
All the best to all Yun's readers.
God loves you and Yun loves you too..
God Bless.. ^^