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Monday, December 29, 2008

New Semester

New semester starts on 29th December 2008. This is the 2nd semester of 2008/09. Is mine 2nd semester as well.
Gambatae to all the students. All the best and God bless you all.

*By the way, I am a bit sad for all the students are coming back in this few days.. Wifi connection is low!!!!!!! haiz..

Anyway, cheers for the day!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bee Hives

Just realised something opposite my block this evening while cleaning up my room.. Bee hives!!!

See... is a big one!!! Hopefully the officer would get rid of it before students coming back from thier holidays!!! Else there would be someone got stunck!!!

Wintermelon with Longan and Barley

The weather was cool but I just don't understand how come I still got oral ulcer!!! Maybe is due to continuous burning the mid night oil.. just to finish multi media show... Thus causing the body to be heaty. Ouch!!! Painful...

See a big ulcer on my lips
I cooked myself some "liang sui". The ingrediant I bought for quite a some time.. just too lazy to cook it.. Well, this is the time for me to show my cooking skills with rice cooker!!!
First, you need half a packet of Wintermelon with Longan. (It tastes sweet, so no sugar is required anymore)
You might ask could you used ice sugar? Definitely you can!!! The reason of my using this packet of wintermelon with longan because is easier to keep and it was broken in few pieces.. I don't have to hammer it!!!
Then, I scope about half cup of barley (measured by rice cooker cup).
Cooking steps;
First washed the barley till clean.
Then, pour in 1 litre water and add in half packet of wintermelon with longan.
Eventually, boiled it for about 1 hour.

Here it goes..
Easy cooked liang teh..
Nice, good looking wintermelon with longan and barley..

You could either serve it hot or chilled whichever you prefer.
Hehe.. this is my favourite cup.. Daddy Cool!!! :p

I prefer it warm.. so I'm going to enjoy myself.. Nice liang teh..

After a nice sleep.. wake up.. the oral ulcer ceased it pains.. Is getting better... hehe.. seems that my liang teh works as well..

Tun Jugah view

These photos were captured from the 18th floor. Since KC need to find his conference room so we go for a walk around the Crown Plaza.. Seeing a nice view, without hesitation I took out the camera and this time is KC's show time..

This is the view of McD
Tun Jugah
Try to guess where is this? On top of car park!!!

Sarawak Plaza
River Ria


My first conference. Let me introduce from the left Jacq, Simon and Kak Fa (this is what I used to called her).. They are working hard to get things sorted up. Not going to say much here..

See.. they are working hard..
This is me.. just too bored!!! Nothing I could do.. Same with those 2 guys behind :p.. **wahaha
Ah ha.. there I go.. visiting the Crown Plaza. Capturing photos around!

Jacq and I
We are Dr P.K's supervisees.. Simon, Amirol, Me and Jacq
During the lunch..
After my presentation
With Dr P.K.
Free style..

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Memorable Conference Day

It was the first time in my life that I attended a conference.Though it was just a small conference, for me it was truly an exciting and a memorable conference. For times, things were out of my expectation but I learn to be calm and think before react.
Early in the morning while I was preparing to get ready for the conference I accidentally lock my car key inside the room.. I was outside my room look stunned! The first things that came into my mind was to get the door opened. The time stroke 7:50am. I began to felt nervous because I told my friend to wait for me at 7:45am... Time flies and the only thing that I could do is to break into my room to get the keys!!! Or else I would be late even for my own presentation!
My housemates and I tried various way to get the door opened but it seems the door is just too "stubborn" to get opened.. I called KC for help seeing whether he got any idea to get the door opened? He suggested that I used hammer to hammer at the knot of the door... time pass by and it was about 8:10am.. my eagerness inceased and it seemed that I would be crying if I had not find any solution in next 5 minutes!!! Eventually Shiela lend me her car... Phew... She's really the angle send by God for me that morning! *wahaha
I really appreciate the aids given by Shiela at the time I most need! I hurried down the staircase, get in the car and start to speed to fetch KC before leaving to Crown Plaza for the conference! I was really endosed in nervousity.. Maybe this is the first time for me and I put much pressure on myself thus making myself a bit indistinct not at the great preformance of mine! *speachless..
Reaching the junction outside the campus, the traffic lights were not functioning properly and in front of me were 2 timid rider of motorbike who carefully inspecting the condition of the traffic before making their moved! I was directly behind them and I was impatient to wait anymore. I think the cycles were much threthened by me. Apologised for that!!! For your information, the traffic condition that morning was overcrowding!!! Really congested! Since I was driving a manual car, the slow moving of the queue cause my leg to ache! Thus, I requested KC to take over the drive in the middle of the queue!!! Can you imagine? I think I was just insaned that time.
I don't even realised that the traffic condition in Kota Samarahan and Kuching is that bad! (Coz I never went out early in the morning!) The journey from my hostel to Crown Plaza took up more than an hour. Praise the Lord, we reached there around 9:30am just in time! To attend the last speaker to present her presentation... I was a bit relief that time since I was already there no matter I present well or not I could not care much. I will just present whatever that I had prepared! The 3rd section postponed to 10:15am. It was just nice for me to take a sip of coffee and some cakes before presenting!
The time struck 10:15am. It was my turn to present and I was shivering... feeling so cold! Oh my gosh! I was nervous!!! However, I pretended that I was so calm and relax! Bla... bla... bla... within 10 minutes I finished my presentations... and was posted a few questions which I don't even know what am I answering! Thought I didn't present it well, I had learned a lot in this presentations! Gaining precious experiences.. relieves....
It was lunch time, we took our lunch at Crown Plaza then we headed to Saberkas to buy some stuff! There we were caught in the jam for more than 30minutes!!! We were late for the 5th sections again!!! Jacq and Simon both were late for their service! Then it was KC's turn to present his first paper! Simon, Jacq and I were all there giving him support.. His topic was such a fame that he was posted lots of questions!!! By that time it was nearly 5pm already!!! Is time for his 2nd paper presentation! We all rushed up to 18th floors.. who knows the presentation ended some time ago!!! KC missed his presentation.. a bit disappointed!!!
Phew.. eventually it was the closing ceremony and we headed back to KS after having our dinner. While having our dinner, Sheila called, saying that she want her car back!!! I wonder is it because she was urgent to get to the airport or something!!! Who knows by the time I reached there she told me that she just want to get her sunglasses!!! Oh my gosh!!! I was really speechless... really speechless!!! anyway I still make it on time for her.
Once reaching hostel, I could not spare anymore time. I grabs the keys and headed to the small group meeting!!! Definitely I was late and look pale because I was rahter sleepy. Then they told me that Erica had did the same thing as me this morning! I was astonished such a great experienced as mine that morning!!! Then Karen said what happened to the 2 'Yun' both look so blur that day!!! *wahaha... true as well.
After helping Erica to open her door through the window. I headed back to hostel!!! Exhausted!!! BUT is not the time to rest yet... I still have 2 pails of clothes to be washed!!! After all the laundry and bathe... phew... it was 11:20pm already... while waiting for my hair to dry up.. I went online.. meeting some friends and have a short chat...
Time struck 1:30am... ZZZzzz.. sleepy mode conquered me... I rest myself on the cozy bed and sleep so soundly...
waking up this morning another busy day!!! Time to do multi media presentation for the thanksgiving conference...
Now a bit tired doing all the converting and searching... take time to blog on my wonderful and excited experienced of the day before...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Personalities Test

How well you know yourselves in the working environment? Well here is a test! Test in out to see what's your personalities.. Make a reference and give me a comment on which one you are???

This website is designed and run by Jehiah Czebotar. Well, I had taken that test.. it seems quite true anyway. Thanks to Solomon.

I am Melancholy Phlegmatic... What's yours?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


我痛恨自己没有在醒来的时候叫醒他,我心疼的让他再睡一下,他就永远得睡过去了。我最欣赏他的认真负责,成了看不见的杀手, 该怨谁?恨谁?怪谁呢?

我们一起在广告公司玩设计,他的创意、我的完稿、我们的搭配是那么完美,以至于公司的上上下下把我们自然而然的送作堆……我喜欢的是他的拼劲,和他曾出不穷的点子,而且,他的幽默会在生活中随时随地出现,每每让我惊喜不止, 却万万没有想到,在我们的婚礼上,他也开了一个最残忍的玩笑……




四年的交往,我们情投意合,进而同居三年,却一直发不出喜帖来。并不是我们有意长跑,而是他的职务越来越重要,工作也越来越烦重,我们根本腾不出假期来结 婚。他升了官,责任在身,每次比稿都要他领队详细说明产品设计,公司的业务蒸蒸日上,他的个人时间就越来越少,我有时还陪他加班,送点吃吃喝喝的为他补身 体。

他一支烟接着一支烟的抽,心疼的感觉他没办法体会,只说再拼一阵子就好。等存够了钱,我们可以开始自己创业就不必那么累了,我们的创业梦进行得很顺利。公 司的老板也非常得器重他,累积的人脉、作品的口碑、得奖的荣誉、以及他谈笑风生的可爱个性,在在为他的事业加分。我觉得自己非常幸福,得到这样认真负责又 乐观进取的好男人。我欣喜万分,梦想当新娘的画面早在我心头反反复覆几十遍。

我的怀孕,来得不知是不是时候,从忙碌的工作中,发现不适的异样,检查出来已经三个多月时,我非常的懊恼,认为他这样没日没夜的工作,不该在这个时候烦扰 他,但是,他非常开心,当场就大声的说:"陆太,嫁给我吧!正正式式的当鹿太吧!"全办公室响起如雷的掌声,我的泪也欢喜的夺眶而出……七年的爱情长跑, 终于要跑上红毯彼端,我欣喜万分,梦想当新娘的画早在我心头反反复复几十遍。

们趁着肚子没有明显凸出时赶快去拍婚纱照。这家老客户跟他很熟,拍了比别人多三倍的底片,穿的礼服、选的地点、做的表情都是鹿自己设计的,他说一辈子只结 一次婚,一定要搞笑一点,让人永远难忘。老板很大手笔送我们二十万的礼金,说是给他的创业基金,从此变成了同行,大家要互相帮忙。


几乎是每天加班到早上六点才回家,迷迷糊糊睡到中午又回公司继续上班。连续一个礼拜终于交出了所有的设计稿,也交接所有的业务,离我们的婚礼只剩下不到三 十个小时,我劝他什么是都别管,还是先睡一下吧!我们如何相信一个年轻力壮,从无宿疾的顽强生命,一睡成永眠婚礼。倒数计时的最后一天,他一睡就没有醒过 来,他睡了十二个小时,清晨我醒来时,悄悄过去吻他,他的鼻息还非常均匀,可爱的长睫毛还闪一两下,好像在梦中还有什么歪点子一样,我觉得幸福塞满胸臆。 漫长的做脸、上妆、弄头发过程,其实他可以不必陪我,弄完我去美容院旁的饭店休息室等他来就可以了。没想到我在饭店等了一个小时,手机和家中电话都没人 接,他的亲戚一个也不见,后来,我才知道,他们一到家,发现他已经 没有呼吸,连忙送到医院,医生判断是时下流行的过劳死,在连续加班后回家睡觉,一睡就成永眠。

我如何相信一个年轻力壮,从无宿疾的顽强生命,就这样因为体内长期运作失调,而造成器官内讧,衰竭而死?家人商量着该如何告诉怀孕的我,以及所有准备好大 闹一场的同事好友们,喜筵成了非正式的告别式,所有参加婚礼的宾客都忍不住落泪。我呆在新娘休息室,抱着他试穿过的西庄礼服不肯放,我痛恨自己没有在醒来 时叫醒他,我心疼的让他再睡一下,他就永远得睡过去了。公司的老板内疚万分,他的父母则伤心得连话都不跟我说一句。我肚子里来不及见到亲爹的孩子,更是一 阵阵作呕得提醒我,我最欣赏他的认真负责,成了看不见的杀手,我连恨都没法去恨,该怨谁?恨谁?怪谁呢?



对了,今天听到一个悲伤的消息。广告界的好青年,又挂了一人了。此人是联旭的,是业务还是设计我也搞不清楚,来过我们公司几次。前几天在连续加班后的某晚, 回家睡觉后第二天就叫不醒,挂了。奇的是,约二个月前,也是联旭的一位女生业务,也是这样,不过她是离职后第二天,还是第几天,睡一觉就起不来了。医生说是猝死,推测是过劳。














Thanks to my friend! Kinda caring.. wanna remind me of my habits!!! Burning the midnight oil!!! Oh well, I will try my best not to do it anymore!!! Friends out there.. remember dun burn midnight oil ok!!! Not good for your health..

* Sorry for those who can't read mandarin! Anyway.. translated version is coming up!!! Have to wait till I have the time lo..

Difference between boys and girls in the morning

Just viewed a long time forward message by one of my dearest friends JH. Oh well, he always joke with me that his gf is kinda as shown.. wahaha.. Is kinda funny and quite true as well! Anyway, for guys out there please bear with you girlfriend if you want them to look attractive always.. wahaha...

Tick tack! Tick tack.. Time to get up..
Brush teeth and cleanse her face..
Pat on toner, whitening lotion...
Pat on emulsion moisturizer, UV cream..
Chose her favourite clothes... try on! Not nice!Change! Try again! Change again...
Tada.. chose a nice fitted clothes.. Pat on foundation cream
Curl up the eyes lashes..
Eyes shadow, eyes liner... and pinky cheeks!
Put on lipstick and tidy up her hair.. (by then is time for guy to wake up!)Gal: bring** bring** with all the accesories, handbag and shoes
Guy: Wash wash, brush brush, change clothes.... bring**

Time to leave... haha.. wonderful..

Anyway, kinda hope that I'm that kind of girl as well.. i'm just too lazy!!!.. haha.. Wake up in the morning - brush, wash, bathe, apply skin protection 6 steps face and body (haha kinda a lot!!! :p) change clothes, breakfast and leave...

Just do the preliminary part.. (the protection part!) don't even bother to put on make up!!!

Well, my friends began to comment me on looking more and more like 'ah sam' d.. haih!!! what to do!!! I'm just too lazy to wake up another hour earlier..

Monday, December 8, 2008

A serious mistake

Being a nurse is my dream since I was in my teens. However, due to some constrains I have to give up my dream to be a nurse and turn up to be what I am now! Be in the field of engineering. Oh well, I should admit that I'm my parent's daughter!!! Kinda Guai lui.. Oh well, even though I was not in the medical field, I’m still keeping myself up to date with the medical information and often having some discussions with my friends in the field! Kinda never wanna give up even thought I can't have my dream come true.. wahaha***

Here I wanna share with all my readers regarding a news that a friend of mine who is currently still pursuing her degree in nursing discuss with me.

What I am concern is that a medical staffs in practice should be under the supervision of an experienced staff. Though they are well "taught" in their class, proper guidance and explanation should be carried out while practicing. Practical involves real life man!!! Not dolls!!!

I was shocked when she told me that one of the practical students accidentally injected albuterol nebulizer into a patient's vein! O.o Oh my goodness!!! Albuterol is a kind of bronchodilator which aids in relaxing the muscles in the airways thus helps in increasing the air flow into the lungs to prevent exercise-induce bronchospasm. For your information this so called albuterol nebulizer should be inhale by a patient in gases form. I repeated Inhale in gases form... I really could not imagine she injected albuterol nebulizer into the patient's vein!!! Heeelllloooo... O.o

For sure the patient could not sustain the nebulizer overdose / poisoning and end up being brought to ICU...

That pity gal, I'm not gonna named her here.. she is banned for her training in xx specialize hospital and for worst she might not be able to continue her study if the organization reported to the board of nurses!!! This is really once and for all mistake! Once and you are done! GoNE.. the future.. haih.. careless gal..

So medical officers (especially trainees) be alert while carrying out your task and make sure that you pay enough attentions in class and fully awake while carrying out your practice! Good luck to all of you!

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Present

I had been reading a book recently naming "The Present"! It is such a motivating book. The more I read, the more I am motivated to move on in my current life. You might ask, what is the best present that you can give yourselves? Indeed the best present that You could give yourselves is the present!

In Compact Oxford English dictionary, the present means

1. being or occurring in a particular place.

2. existing or occurring now.

3. expressing an action now going on or habitually performed, or a condition now existing.

4. the period of time now occurring.

5. give formally or ceremonially.

6. offer for acceptance or consideration.

7. formally introduce (someone) to someone else.

8. put (a show or exhibition) before the public.

9. introduce and appear in (a television or radio show).

10. be the cause of (a problem).

11. exhibit (a particular appearance) to others.

12. (present oneself) appear formally before others.

Well, this book explains on a very common yet rather powerful concept to live in the present life while learning form the past and planning for the future to achieve satisfaction and gladness at work so as personal life.

The present (gift) is neither the past nor the present, is now! At the very moment! Meaning that we need to focus and pay attention to the situation that we are in now. What is happening right now! However, focusing on present doesn’t mean that we should forget about the past or ignore the future. Everybody does mistakes in the past but never let the past or the mistakes worrying you and become the barrier that stops one from moving forward!

I was enlightened that, it is hard to let go the past if you have not learned form the past. However, as soon as you have learned from the mistakes, you can easily let that go away and move on in the present. I believe this is what most people failed to achieve! People loves or I should say would rather remain in the current pitiful situation, sympathizing themselves. I need to treasure the present, focusing on the present which would be the energy and the confidence that will indirectly urge me to perform in my career.

There is a quote “To achieve happiness in work and personal life, live in the present, learn from the past and plan for the future!”

Plan for the future doesn’t mean that we have to be anxious over it. What commonly people do is to live in the future and get anxious about the events in the future! The writer shared that we should plan for the future but we should not live in the future. Planning for the future reduces the uncertainty, anxiety and fear about the future events as we are actively working on the plan in order to achieve the goals of the future. Thus, it is a good suggestion to visualize a wonderful future and create a realistic plan to make the dream come into reality (achieve the desired success).

The Present by Spencer Johnson

Friday, November 28, 2008

Puppet Story telling

Is time for Yun to tell story.. Haha.. Yun is rather sleepy anyway for my dear Jasper and Shulamitte this time is puppet story telling..

Here they are Jasper and Shulamitte.. Cutie..
There are 5 characters.. so I choose the panda bear
Once upon a time...
Cute panda bear.. She's frightened!
Mummy hug hug
I wanna go playing..
Would you like to join me?
Tata.. story ends.. :p